One More

Created by Sherry 16 years ago
RENEE, everyday I find myself thinking of you, thinking of a moment (one of many) you and I have shared. I still find it so hard that in this life time I will never see, hear or feel you again. I wish... I wish I had one more, one more time you asking me can I use your make-up? One more time, telling you I'll call you later. One more time, rolling my eyes at you because you parked your car right in the middle of the drive way. One more time, hearing you say "girrl". One more time, watching you roll around on the floor doing everything you can to make Domenic hug and kiss you. One more time, please just one more time to say goodnight, be careful, I love you. One more time, one more time to hear you say goodnight and I love you too.